I took a while off from Minecraft to play Skyrim, so of course I had to revisit the game to remember why I love it so much. The problem is, now I can’t stop digging to write this article. I should say, before I go into my personal opinions of this game that I’ve been […]


Once upon a time there was a board game called Talisman, but that’s a story for another day.  The story today is about one of Talisman‘s Robert Baratheon-esque bastards, Runebound.  The best way I can describe games like this is as analog World of Warcraft.  Players run around a board taking turns killing monsters, collecting […]


I have played all of Lionhead Studio’s Fable series so far. I heard about the upcoming Fable: Heroes and was confused and sad. It looked dubious. I thought to myself, “Oh man the series has really gone down since…” and I couldn’t at first decide which Fable game I enjoyed best. So, instead of being […]


Everyone in my house has been playing far too much Skyrim. Most hours of the day you can catch the faint melodies of dragons lighting a wintery countryside on fire and the clash of Nordic steel. But hold your knowing looks, there is a good reason why Skyrim was such a big deal when it […]

Greetings Citizen!  I hope you are enjoying the bounties of entertainment and personal satisfaction the Computer is granting you this day as the Computer does every day!  All hail the Computer!  Bless his Holy Mainframe!  To take his glory for granted would be tantamount to treason and we wouldn’t want that, now would we?  Not […]

One of the joys of going back and watching old episodes of Deep Space Nine is seeing Ronald Moore’s name in the opening credits and thinking, “Hey!  I liked Battestar Galactica for a time!”  This same thought is present as one plays the board game which has been stunningly crafted to create the same level […]


Something happened to me the other day that I…I feel I have to share or else it might haunt me the rest of my life.  I was just perusing the ol’ internet, like you do, checking out some periodicals and sharing recipes with my gal pals when someone directed me to this one website and […]

So winter decided to bite back a few weeks ago and, in the midst of a relatively anaemic January, hit my city with enough snow to give one pause. Not to be dismayed, two of my friends braved the winter winds and arrived for what would be a couple of hours of Lovecraftian fun. The adventure board game […]