Since Bill Watterson coined the term “Calvinball” it has acted as a remarkable reference point for chaotic games where the rules constantly change and the players are kept on their toes.  I have played a handful of games where planning was impossible and flexibility was the key to victory although the victory itself seemed so […]


I have a confession to make:  I killed Neil Gaiman.  Well, technically a robot killed Neil Gaiman with a giant laser but I still feel largely responsible.  The whole affair has me really shaken up.  I mean, it wasn’t just Colonel Gaiman; I lost Captain Pratchett, Lieutenant McMaster-Bujold, and my top Marksman, HP Lovecraft.  They […]

It’s a muggy summer night in Kentucky. The darkened farmhouse on the hill recedes into the blackness, and while hurrying down the gravel path to the road below, the sounds of singing frogs and hooting owls are slowly drowned out by a bluegrass band playing on the porch of a nearby farm. I stop for a moment […]

Nintendo announced late in December that company President Satoru Iwata would have major news for Pokémon fans this Tuesday, January 8th. Fans of the series have known that, based on Nintendo’s prior announcement patterns, something big was due; Iwata’s presence only made it that much more exciting. That excitement came to fruition this morning, when […]

Our annual My Entertainment World Awards Season begins today with the addition of our new award: The My Games Award, honouring the best in gaming in 2012.  Stay tuned for the My Theatre, My Cinema and My TV Award nominees- all coming soon- then the Annual Nominee Interview Series and the announcement of this year’s Award Winners.  […]


Nintendo’s Wii U debuted in the US only ten days ago, making a solid showing of 400,000 units sold within the first seven days. As the first eighth generation home console to hit shelves, the Wii U’s arrival heralds the beginning of the end for seventh generation systems (PlayStation 3, XBOX 360, and Wii). This […]

As we approach the November 29, 2012 release date for Level-5 and Capcom’s highly anticipated Nintendo 3DS collaboration, Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney, a US release date remains to be seen. Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney (“PL v. AA”) was announced two years ago, on October 12, 2010, at the Level-5 Vision 2010 press conference […]


Congratulations – you’ve done it. When your journey began, you were a novice trainer with only a single Pokemon to your name and a few thousand P in your pocket. Together, you and your Pokemon made new friends; took down eight gym leaders; traversed caves, deserts and oceans; you even brought down a criminal enterprise […]