Yes, more than seven people died, but the episode was too dark to really see them. Yes, there’s a heavy amount of symbolism in that darkness, the fear of the Night King and the army of the dead being the same as the age old legend of the fear of the dark. Yes, the beautiful […]

It’s the night before the army of the dead descends on Winterfell. Since we’ve got a lot of characters and issues to resolve before our 83 minutes of bloodshed next week, HBO opts to present us with the slump of dialogue we’ve come to expect in the second episode of the season. Brienne gets major […]

I’ve been thinking about mirrors a lot, recently. As symbols, mirrors are often interpreted as portals, doorways, access points to realms beyond or just different spaces. They’re also revelatory, providing insights, opportunities for reflection, a stark look at who we are at the surface level. We place a great deal of trust in mirrors, to […]


I bought my first comic book in a shopping mall comic book store outside of Pittsburgh, PA. It was my freshman year of college, and I’d just made friends with a guy who shared all his torrented comic files with me. I was voraciously reading everything he gave me, partly to impress him, partly because […]

Well, this is it. One season left, then it’s off to whatever comes next…

Friends, critics, mortal enemies and comrades in arms…

I’ll come right out and say it: season four of Parks and Rec is my favorite season. Mostly, this is from being a political-campaign-lover, and Leslie Knope’s city council campaign is the organizing principle for the season. It should not go without mentioning, however, that the addition of Kathryn Hahn as Jen Barkley and Paul […]

Click Here to read the rest of our coverage from the ATX Television Festival.  One of the big sponsors at the Austin Television Festival this year was Roku, and with good reason. The streaming company has been making larger and larger strides in the TV market, moving from a simple streaming player to manufacturing smart […]