As a show, Weeds has always kind of existed within its own little airtight moral vacuum. Sure, we, as the audience, could, like Nancy, often justify her early decisions, but as more time passed, Nancy’s behaviour grew more and more erratic and motivated by fear and selfishness. For most of the show, Conrad remained the […]

I watched the first episode of Party Down in an almost perfunctory manner. I mean, come on, it was by the guy who made Veronica Mars, and had promised guest stars that ranged from George Takeii to Rick Fox to Kristen Bell. And I really enjoyed that first episode, but I’m an inherently lazy creature […]

Gay and Greek

Since I’m 22, and therefore have mostly semi-mature 22 year-old friends, watching Greek has been a fairly solitary affair. It’s hard to convince these friends that a show on ABC Family about Frats and Sororities is worth our time. Frankly, we couldn’t be less interested in the Frats and Sororities on campus, so why spend […]

Jon and Kate Plus Eight Pounds of Uncomfortable Emotional Baggage

When The Real World first premiered on MTV, the cast members’ voices reminded us during the credits that this was what happened when people “stopped being polite and starting being real.” And for the past almost-twenty years of the reality craze, show after show has offered us some sort of glimpse into the real lives […]

There are few things I hold sacred in this world. I pretty much take most things lightly. But Buffy the Vampire Slayer might be the closest thing I have to a religion. Think about it. You’ve got it all. Moral Code? Check. Heroes? Check. A strong respect for life and souls? Check. Witty puns? Double […]

What If…

  What if your two favorite, bubble-stuck shows both got renewed?   And what if your other two favorite shows had finales that restored your faith in them AND made you incredibly excited for next season just at the moment when you thought there was nowhere left for them to go?   Yeah. That’s right. […]

And Speaking of Joy…

God, I hope I’m not jumping the gun on this, because being told the following and then having it taken away from me might be too much to bear, but…   DOLLHOUSE IS RENEWED! That’s right, the terminally lowly-viewed, network-interfered, high-concept, twisty drama about what makes a human being is going to be back, boys […]

This week’s season finale of The Office was pure, unadulterated joy. From Andy’s crush on Erin, to Dwight and Angela’s mini-reconciliation, to Stanley’s drunken glee, it had happiness and hope for nearly every character. But most importantly, it brought the three most important characters to beautiful places. Michael met up with (the almost mythical at […]