Well, that felt good. I follow Bill Lawrence (@VDOOZER) on Twitter, as well as the fictional Laurie’s handle @TheLarmy (AND SO SHOULD YOU!), so there really wasn’t much of a chance I was going to forget that tonight featured the return of beloved sitcom Cougar Town. But with all the Twitter and geek-verse hype, there was a […]


The Vow is exactly what you expect from watching the trailer. This is a good thing, generally, because it means that you can watch those three minutes and know, absolutely, if this movie is going to be worth your time. But let me help you even further. The trailer makes the movie look cheesy. It […]


When I was little, I went to see The Secret Garden in theaters with my mom. During one scene, as young Mary Lennox is creeping towards the garden, I started to freak out. When my mom asked, “What’s wrong?” in a very nice voice, although I’m sure what she meant was “Why the hell is […]

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the concept of the Manic Pixie Dream Girl. It was started here by AV Club writer Nathan Rabin as a description of Kirsten Dunst’s character in Elizabethtown, and, by extension, as a deconstruction of the type of female character that seems to exist solely to propel a male protagonist’s […]


The biggest problem with The Grey, Liam Neeson’s new movie about fighting wolves in the Alaskan wilderness, is simple, really. It’s the fact that you just walked into a movie theater expecting to see Liam Neeson fight wolves in the Alaskan wilderness – you’re ready to watch Neeson take out our lupine brethren using the […]


Touch, Kiefer Sutherland’s new pilot about to air on Fox, is described as a “drama that blends science and spirituality to explore the hidden connections which bind together all of humanity,” by Fox Publicity. Needless to say, 24 this isn’t. At the same time, the drama does focus on Kiefer Sutherland as a man needing […]


Haywire, the recently released directorial effort by Steven Soderbergh which Jason nicely reviewed here, also marks the first starring role for Mixed Martial Arts fighter, Gina Carano. As anyone who’s seen the film can attest, Carano is a certified badass. She made the erst-while Magneto, Michael Fassbender, look like a little boy in way over […]


I sort of find all of the Office naysayers tiring (and I’m not just saying this because I desperately want Mindy Kaling to be my best friend). Since Steve Carell left, the internet has been full of people ready to proclaim The Office dead. Hell, BEFORE Carell left, most people agreed that the show was […]