This week’s episode of Mad Men was kind of a bummer. A beautiful, poignant, heart wrenching bummer. After last week’s Lane and Pete apalooza, this week focused on Roger, Don and Peggy, in three unbroken segments that detailed the same twenty four hour period. We start with Peggy, all primed to deal with the dipshits […]

What exactly terrorizes Westeros? Tonight’s episode focused on this question. I was kind of dreading tonight’s episode of Game Of Thrones, “Garden of Bones.” Like most weeks, I was excited to watch the show, but I knew that sooner or later an episode would end exactly how this one did: with Melisandre stripping down naked […] once had an article called “5 Ways We Ruined the Occupy Wall Street Generation”, written by a member of Gen X. The article explained the myriad of ways that Gen X and their Baby Boomer forefathers first ruined my generation and then complained when we turned out exactly the way they raised us. It’s a […]

Holy shit that was a beautiful episode, a carefully orchestrated tragedy punctuated by bouts of the absurd that made me snort with laughter. This week’s Mad Men, “Signal 30,” focused on Lane, Pete and Ken, and the result is the best episode of the new season. Pete Campbell starts out Mad Men as a character […]

This week’s episode of Game of Thrones is obsessed with the question of power. Saying that is kind of the equivalent of saying “this week’s Game of Thrones has a lot of boobs in it.” It’s true, of course, but it’s also true every week. This week, however, the question of power rises to new, […]

What makes a good man? What makes a bad one? And can a bad man become a good one? The latest episode of Mad Men, “Mystery Date,” tackles these questions head on. For four seasons we’ve watched our central characters struggle to wring happiness out of the lives they’ve chosen. By and large, these are […]

I had an important revelation this past weekend: 11 year old me was kind of an asshole. I had this revelation while watching the super duper awesome and totally worth the $17.50 I paid for it 3D version of Titanic. For years (14 to be exact), I have maintained that James Cameron’s opus to ridiculous […]

The second episode of Game of Thrones felt a lot more complete than the previous one. The renewed focus on Arya and Tyrion, currently the two best characters on the show, doesn’t hurt, but even new-to-TV Stannis and Melisandre, as well as a particularly icky scene with Theon Greyjoy, managed to set up events to […]