This episode was almost entirely invented. It all works, obviously, within the confines of the book, but I found the fact that most of it was made up for the TV show distracting throughout. Which is absurd, since all of Game of Thrones was made up (that’s what fiction is, Nisenkier), but there you go. […]
Maybe it’s in the water here. I mean, mostly I’ve read that Los Angeles water is filled with parasites and toxins, but maybe it’s actually filled with a desire to spend one’s life eating strangely colored smoothies based on a vegan, plant-based, raw diet. I don’t know. Anyway, about two months after my move to […]
As a film fan, it is one of the great pleasures in life to get to see the intersection of your favorite person producing entertainment and your favorite genre of entertainment. As a reviewer, it’s kind of hell. Fan girl gushing does not make for well reasoned, thoughtful pieces of criticism, and despite my over-reliance […]
I picked a hell of a week to be too busy to write. Last week’s episode was one of my all time favorites, a roller coaster ride of surprising highs for our cast and a thoughtful, bittersweet ending that challenged the rest of the episode considerably. And I didn’t get to write about it. This […]
Young adult romance is an art form like any other, and despite the lack of respect it often gets from mainstream audiences, it is certainly capable of being just as awesome as any other genre. What I’m saying is that just because it looks like Twilight and kind of smells like Twilight, doesn’t mean it […]
A.J. Jacobs likes to use his life, body, and family as a template for thoughtful experiments on a myriad of issues. His past two, bestselling books were The Know It All, in which he attempted to read the entire encyclopedia from A to Z, and The Year of Living Biblically, in which he decided to […]
For the first few episodes of their second season, Game of Thrones focused on one unifying theme to help bring their episodes cohesion. The last two, however, were pulled together much more chronologically. As such, they featured way more of the characters we know and love and way more of the expensive locations that really […]
Since Hollywood has apparently decided that the Summer movie season begins in March now (both 21 Jump Street and The Hunger Games would normally be playing to the sold out crowds of summer), I’ve decided to get a jump start on my summer movie planning. In four installments, MyCinema will be rolling out our SUMMER […]