A few years ago when I checked out Bobcat Goldthwait’s last movie, a dark comedy called World’s Greatest Dad (which starred Robin Williams), I was impressed with the vision of Bobcat as a director. I remember thinking when I finished watching that movie that I would not hesitate to watch the next film he brought […]


Like many lifelong football fans, I was saddened to hear about that passing of Junior Seau. TMZ first reported and confirmed the passing of the iconic linebacker, victim of what appears to be a self inflicted gun shot to the chest. Everyone associated with football and fans of all teams were saddened by the news, […]

For fans of Sherlock who do not subscribe to any BBC specialty channels, this Sunday has been a very, very long wait. Series two of the amazing modern update of Sir Conan Authur Doyle’s sleuth returns to PBS Masterpiece Theatre on Sunday May 6th, and the public channel will air the three 90 minute episodes […]

It’s finally here, that big colossal movie that brings all the heroes from the past half a dozen Marvel films together for one epic motion picture. This is the project Marvel fans have been dying to see come to light ever since Samuel L. Jackson made his first cameo in the original Iron Man. When […]

Here we have two General Managers: Bryan Colangelo for the Toronto Raptors and Brian Burke of the Toronto Maple Leafs. Both GMs are going to be pressured to make a big splash in the off season to push their respective teams closer to being a contender rather than the pretenders they’ve been for the past […]


Steroid apologists can try to make as many excuses as they want, but they cannot deny the truth: players who used illegal drugs to cheat should be denied entry into the baseball hall of fame. The writers who have voted thus far have been united with this notion as huge superstars marred with steroids such […]


When I was in high school, I remember a horrific incident that occurred during a game of soccer. Our goal keeper had strayed from his zone to grab a loose ball, and collided into an offensive player that was racing him to the same ball and was trying to score. During that collision, he took […]

I was nine years old when I saw my first Blue Jay game. It was against the Baltimore Orioles and I only really remember three things about that game: the Jays lost, I never caught a foul ball and Lloyd Moseby stole third base. I also remember it was very cold that day, which was […]