Dear Diary, It’s me (Borah. Just to clarify). I’m back to rant and rave about The Legend of Korra once more. With feeling (Yeah. Went there). This time it’s Episode 5: “The Spirit of Competition”. If you’ve just stumbled upon this and are thinking to yourself, “What’s a Korra?” you can read my little intro/catch-up/explanatoryramblefest […]


Arcadia is Lauren Groff’s second novel and it’s wonderful. I read Groff’s first novel, The Monster’s of Templeton, years ago, and I liked it quite a bit. But I love Arcadia more. The book’s about Bit—the first-born child of a hippie commune called Arcadia—and his life (in Arcadia and Outside, as a child and an […]

Yay! It’s time for another Korra diary entry! We’re on episode 4, btw. I dunno, it’s hard for me to keep up (what with the premier being eps 1 + 2). I just thought I’d mention it. Geez. Don’t have a cow (I’ve been having a randomly 80’s day). You know what Korra Diary means […]

Ask yourself: Do you like action-packed, quick-moving stories? Do you like stories with multiple dimensions/universes and/or the occult? Do you like detectives? Do you like ghosts? Do you like comic books? Do you like portraits of fascinating, fragmented people? Do you like awesomeness? If the answer to most/all of these questions is “yes,” then this […]

You know what I love? Books. You know what else I love? Free stuff. You know what my favorite things in the whole world are (other than harsher punishments for parole violators, Stan… aaaand…  World Peace)? FREE BOOKS Project Gutenberg is the first producer of free ebooks and it’s AWESOME. No, really, it’s one of […]


Dear Diary, Today I watched the third episode of The Legend of Korra (it’s called “The Revelation”). Here were all my thoughts and feelings*: *WARNING: this is essentially going to be a live-blogging thing. Except … not live (dead blogging? Rehearsed blogging? …Undead blogging?) I’ll stop now. But see?! This is what it’s going to […]

This is one hell of a book. Saleem, the narrator, opens by telling us (in a stuttering, halting way—a stickler for perfect accuracy, that Saleem) when he was born, that he’s 31 now, and that he’s dying. This was the first Rushdie I’d read, so I can’t give you any firsthand information about how it […]

I just walked around my house, hyperventilating with joy, saying, “ohmygodohmygodohmygod” for three straight minutes. I’m fine… now. I was just attempting to process my love for The Legend of Korra, and my excitement for this season (Book One: Air!). Wait, “What’s The Legend of Korra?” …Seriously? You’re killin’ me, Smalls. Okay. Let’s start at […]