Read All Our SummerWorks Reviews HERE
Icône Pop (A)
The scene for Icône Pop is set as the audience walks into the blackbox theatre at The Theatre Centre with singer Mykalle Bielinski crooning in the most beautiful ghostly way, and with dancer Mélanie Demers silhouetted in the doors of the studio thrown open onto Queen West, standing in the pouring rain. It’s quite a sight. The rest of the show absolutely lives up to that initial stunning image. Demers is clearly a woman confident and at home on the stage, interested in engaging with the audience and her personal explorations. Her interplay of vocals, speech, and laughter with unique costuming and gestural-based dance is wonderful and unique. The blend of musical and physical styles is interesting, and the show is a success. Icône Pop explores themes of freedom, survival, and metamorphosis in such a way that engages the audience in both humour and fascination. I enjoyed this show and would absolutely recommend it.
To DO To Don’t (B)
Performed in the Franco Boni Theatre at The Theatre Centre, To DO To Don’t is an intimate treat. The performer, Jenn Goodwin, easily draws the audience in to her stylized work. The audio uses in part a track of her reciting lists of things she “really should” (or should not) do. These cheeky lines were what I enjoyed most about the show. Goodwin is able to lay out her worries, passions, and trivial errands in a way that seems both totally individual and completely relatable. Things like, “I really should buy some asparagus”, or “get my oil checked” elicit giggles, but aspects where this woman talks about her life as an artist trying to be brave, proud, and confident threw us into pensive silence. The show is interesting, and the work she’s done to create such a comprehensive movement- and sound-scape is evident.
The MyTheatre Artists Advertising Discount Program
If your SummerWorks show scores an A+ or A, you can cash in on that goodwill with a 50% discount on advertising your show (this one or the next one) on My Entertainment World. If you scored an A- or B+, we’ll knock 25% off the ad price. Discounts also apply to Fringe Grades, all 2016 MyTheatre Award winners (50% off), and nominees (25% off) in Toronto, London or New York and $5+ Patreon donors have a reusable 10% off they can gift to ANY PRODUCER THEY WANT for the duration of the festival. Discounts go as high as 95%; email us for details.“Play Of The Day” Ad Auction
If you get a good review (B or better), you can bid to become our Play of The Day (prime advertising spot at the top of the homepage AND on our SummerWorks landing page). Bidding starts at $5 a day. Whomever is the highest bidder as of midnight each night of the festival gets the spot for the next 24 hours or until their bid is beaten (whichever comes second). To bid, just submit a .jpg of your poster to with the subject line “Play of the Day” and be sure to mention your bid price in the email.