David Cooper Photo_2012[#Beginning of Shooting Data Section]Nikon D42012/04/18 02:13:47.10Time Zone and Date: UTC, DST:OFFLossless Compressed RAW (14-bit)Image Size: L (4928 x 3280), FXLens: VR 70-200mm f/2.8GArtist: Copyright: Focal Length: 98mmExposure Mode: ManualMetering: SpotShutter Speed: 1/320sAperture: f/4Exposure Comp.: -0.7EVExposure Tuning:ISO Sensitivity: ISO 1600Optimize Image:White Balance: Incandescent, 0, 0Focus Mode: AF-SAF-Area Mode: SingleAF Fine Tune: OFFVR: OFFLong Exposure NR: OFFHigh ISO NR: ON (Normal)Color Mode:Color Space: Adobe RGBTone Comp.:Hue Adjustment:Saturation:Sharpening:Active D-Lighting: OFFVignette Control: NormalAuto Distortion Control: OFFPicture Control: [NL] NEUTRALBase: [NL] NEUTRALQuick Adjust: -Sharpening: 2Contrast: 0Brightness: 0Saturation: 0Hue: 0Filter Effects:Toning:Map Datum:Dust Removal:[#End of Shooting Data Section]