I was walking down the street today listening to Title of Show, a slightly obscure contemporary piece of musical theatre. Their song “9 People’s favourite Thing”, my favourite on the soundtrack, got me thinking. If I were a Hollywood showrunner (I can dream can’t I?) I would want to make a show that 10 people had to watch every week rather than a show that 100 people liked to watch.
So I started to think, what shows on TV do I have to watch? And I came to a startling conclusion. Though there are many shows that I absolutely love and can’t miss an episode of, there is only 1 that I stay up clicking refresh hopping it will be posted online early.
That show is How I Met Your Mother. It may not be my actual favourite but it is the one I am usually the most excited about watching. And after this week’s superb episode, I’m even more excited for next week.
This week every single character had funny and engaging material. There were funny running jokes (the interventions were genius), a hilarious Barney story (picking up girls in old man makeup) and a heartfelt theme (do we accept change and grow up or freeze everything because it’s pretty perfect now?).
Like they have before (with Barney’s brother’s wedding and Ted’s 31st birthday), HIMYM flashed into the near future this week, hinting at what’s to come as their storylines send the characters spinning forward, plotwise.
A year from now all 5 characters are in NY, Ted’s not wearing a wedding ring, Robin’s sitting next to Barney, Lily may or may not be drinking (pregnant?) and none of them have a particular appreciation for 50 year old scotch (though Robin, in the pilot episode, said “I like a scotch that’s old enough to order it’s own scotch).
Does this mean that Stella’s not the mother and we’ll be treated to another of Ted’s great loves? or does the wedding get postponed or they go on a break or Ted just doesn’t wear a ring? Only time will tell.
But you should be watching HIMYM, you really should.